DANHÔO: Transition

3 - 26 Mar 2022

A2Z Art Gallery is glad and honoured to present "Transition", Danhôo's fourth solo exhibition at the gallery.

Transition is first of all the idea of renouncing a current situation. Each human being, in questioning himself, draws on the heritage of his past to approach a new existential phase with serenity or with eagerness. With this fragmented pictorial series, Danhôo calls us to probe the three essential stages of our lives: the past, the present and the future.

Day after day, each of us is led to overcome and triumph over trials, whether they are light or more dramatic. It is in the face of the experience of difficulty that the values of resilience and courage emerge to give birth to beautiful successes.

"It is not the path that is difficult, it is the difficult that is the path.” (Sören Kierkegaard)

Black and white collide with a break, a transition to the revelation of an abundance of colour and light. The construction line of each canvas embodies the needle of time, the metaphor that gives rhythm to our lives.

Through the colours he projects, Danhôo invites us to look at our moral strength, our present that transits to our future. Despite the scars, we are driven to move forward, to detach ourselves from a part of our life in order to move towards a new destination, to draw from our past in order to grow towards the unknown while living the present.

To live life is to pick and taste the uncontrollable fruit of a perpetual movement. Through his living pictorial gesture, Danhôo reminds us that humans stand upright to exist and seek harmony in a forever chaotic universe. Should we understand a universal message: what humanity is experiencing today would already be the transition to a more colourful future?